Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Set Up

OTT YEAH GG is currently at negative 18 Elo in ranked solo queue. I'm going to be climbing up from that rating up to 1500+.

Pictures of the account at 8 rating and invisible rating.


  1. Is it really -18 if it was at 8 and then decreased by 10 to negative 2 by merit of que dodging (minus 10 per dodge) and instead -2 or -12?

  2. It's minus another 6 because of a loss.

  3. I had just finished glancing at all those 100 something games.

    At first, I was wondering why you were duoing so much for the first 50 games or so, now I realized it's probably because the queue time were 30 mins, is my assumption right?

    Also, what is the average elo of all the ranked players?

  4. Man,you are fking awesome...!

  5. Impossible. Your W/L record will not net you at a negative ELO, or anywhere even under 1200 in the first place, no matter what the circumstances (unless you continuously queue dodge). In which case, I'm assuming photoshop.

  6. Except this experiment was set by queue dodging continuously just to see what would happen.
